Nothing Left

“Nothing Left” is a quirky, uplifting tune. It turns financial struggles into a celebration of love. The song has a playful, carefree spirit. It transforms debt and hardship. It reminds us love is unshakable. Money may come and go, but love remains.

The opening lines paint a humorous picture. “Money low, slidin’ down the socio-econo pole.” It’s a relatable picture of financial trouble. Bills are unpaid, the car won’t run. Credit cards are maxed out. Yet, the singer finds strength in love. The infectious chorus flips the idea of wealth. “No house to live but we got one / Love is strong.” Home isn’t a place, it’s connection.

The verses have a light hearted tone. They acknowledge others’ skepticism. “Tellin’ ‘em ‘bout love, they laugh at you.” The singer remains defiant. They choose love over fear. The soaring “Aaah” refrains add joy. They reinforce love as the foundation. Love is stronger than debt or judgment. It’s stronger than material loss.

“Nothing Left” has upbeat energy. It has catchy hooks and a positive outlook. It’s a feel-good song. It reminds us love can make you feel rich. Even when the bank account is empty.

Nothing Left, a song by Steff Barnes



Money low

Slidin’ down the socio-econo pole

Got nothin’ but friends out there in the cold

But Baby since we’re on the way

Let’s be on our way


No money car won’t run

Missed the payment credit card done

No house to live but we got one

Love is strong

Love is strong

Line drunks won’t hit a lock

Tellin’ ’em ’bout love they laugh at you

But this is the path I wanna day

Let’s be on our way

No money car won’t run

Missed the payment credit card done

No house to live but we got one

Love is strong


Our love is strong


Love is strong strong

Sometimes you are open arms above me

The rest is all below me

Just for the rest of eternity


Our love is strong


Love is strong

Our love is strong


Our love is strong

Our love is strong


Our love is strong